We have been learning how to print on fabric.
It was difficult but it was also fun.
We chose different things that represented places and things in Dublin and the rest of Ireland.
We had to use lollypop sticks to design what we wanted on paper. Then we stuck them to the paper.
Next we rolled thick fabric paint over the lollypop sticks.
Then we turned it over and laid it down flat on material.
Finally we lifted it off the material and our print was complete!
The process made me think about what I had to do, how I would create it and where I would place it!
It was very interesting!
I was quite please with the results! What do you think?
Joshua Idugboe

The Ha’penny Bridge By Sophie K.S

Rinneamar Creathán bainne glas inniú! Bhí sé ana bhlásta!
Lá Fhéile Padraig Shona duit!
Last Friday we went to the Breakfast club to make pancakes. Ms. Maloney and some other adults helped us out. We really enjoyed making them and just loved the toppings of chocolate and lemon! While we were waiting for the pancakes to cook we cut and pasted this procedure into our English Copies. It was great fun! Some of the pancakes flipped! We can’t wait until next Pancake Tuesday!