Esther and the children in Room 8 have been doing trojan work in the garden over the last few weeks. The class have been going out in their Pods to weed, clip, trim, dig etc. under the guidance of Esther. We’ve really enjoyed getting the opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and learn so much about gardening. Here’s what each of us have been doing:
Daniel A: I dug up the herb garden because it was overgrown and woody. I decided to clear everything away and start fresh. I painted the bricks that divided the herb bed into sections. I dug out the nurture bed and was very careful not to dig up the onions that were already planted.
Mary, Carly, Libby & Chloe: We weeded the strawberry garden. We put topsoil on it. Libby & Carly also helped with putting the topsoil on the herb bed
Jack, Ben & Daniel A: We weeded the old potato bed and are in the process of getting it ready for planting in mid- spring.
Kayla & Harrison: We dug out the weeds of the pots at the entrance of the garden.
Danish, Kerrie, Daniel B & Dara: We put new plastic on the herb bed to stop the weeds coming through and then we covered the plastic with topsoil getting it ready for the new seeds to be planted.
Shakirat, Shreya, Rukayat & Kerrie: We trimmed all the overgrown bushes.
Caitlin & Dominic: We trimmed down some of the planters in the garden.
Danish & Bradley: We filled the wheelbarrow with the topsoil and dispersed it on the beds
Alex, Karl, Daniel & Dillon: Dillon and Daniel dug out one of the beds that was very overgrown, weeded it and got it ready for new vegetables to be planted.
Kayla, Libby, Alex, Karl: We trimmed the bushes around Mairéads office.
Take a look at the progress we have made in just 2 weeks!!