The Wednesday of preparing

In the morning of wednesday, we were preparing for our 5-aside football tournament with our gear and boots for the following Thursday that we were going for the 5-aside tournament.

  The Thursday of the following tournament

When we had left the school to go to South Dublin Football League! When we got there we were giving our date of birth to Ms.Quirke. 

We got to the pitch and it wasn’t until another 15-ish minutes till all 16 teams were told to go sit in the middle of the pitch to be told The Rules, that red and yellow cards could be given out, and to respect the referees, they weren’t professional ref’s we were to be the referees of the each of the pitches.

All 16 teams were separated in 4 separate mini pitches with each one referee and then it began.

Each match was 25 mins and no half time breaks.

We didn’t start our match first because 2 other schools played first, then  after their match had happened we went up against our first school which was St Talbots SNS, and our tactics were to all stand in a diamond shape with our awe-inspiring fly goalkeeper which was Aofie Dingle in the back.

Later in the match we had already got many goals. In the end we had gotten 10 – nil!

Onto our second match which was right after that against Scoil Maelruain which we sadly lost, but no worries because it was only 3-2, and our second of 3 matches. Everyone played that match great, but they were a very tough team.

We didn’t have our third match until 2 matches were played, we were just watching the other teams play and some of us were “warming up”, which was really annoying for our coaches because they were coaching the opponents because their coach didn’t pay any attention to them. 

When we got back to playing we started playing against Gaelscoil it was going great! We were getting our goals and all our team players were doing their job! In the end after all the goals scored we had won again, this time it was 6-1 to us!!

!!Going great so far!!

By beating Gaelscoil, we now got into the finals we went to go ahead and play St Bernadettes, Now again, they  were a tough team and in the end the goals were only at 1 all (The match was only going on for 14 minutes and each half was 7 minutes) we went into Penalties, our 3 players to take the penalties were Sophie, Kerrie, and Rukayat!

In total Bernadettes got 2 out of 3 goals, out of our 3 girls sophie was first and…  GOT A GOAL!

Then Kerrie….SHE GOT A GOAL!!

And finally Rukayat, took  her shot with lots of encouragement and confidence…AND GOT OUR WINNING GOAL!

We all were delighted and never gave up on each other,  always showed support, later when we were heading home we got McDonalds! We could either get one thing we want or a happy meal!

When we got back we were very happy!

-Made by Rukayat Asho and Kayla Moorhouse-