In room 10 we have been doing reports on Google Classroom.

For people who don’t know what Google Classroom is, it’s a website that your teacher sets up and your teacher can give you tasks or assignments on the computer and you can also access it at home and in school! Everyone in our class has their own account and you can also post and talk to your friends.

On Wednesday we had a lovely inspector called Fiona who wanted to see our reports on the laptops so we started our reports on our favourite animals, people, places or things. Some people did it in pairs and others did it by themselves.

Most people did it on countries or places. Lana did hers on California and Olivia did hers on China.
Some other people did it on YouTubers or people or food anything like that and some people even did it about themselves!

We are also in the middle of making presentations on bia (food in Irish). We have to use as much Irish as we can.

At the end when everyone is finished their presentations some people if they want can present it to the class. Again some people did it in pairs and some did it by themselves.

Sorry for the short blog but that’s all we have.

By: Olivia & Lana 🙂

Room 10 5th class Mr.Campbell’s class.